Elliott Wave/Neo Wave is an important technical analysis forecasting method that can help time market turns down to the very day and minute. When combined with the Advanced Fibonacci Trading System concept, it can be extremely useful for intraday traders, positional or swing traders, and investors.
We have enough proof to show why the methods you are about to learn will transform you into a consistent trader. To make bold predictions and time them well, we combine the Fibonacci Trading System with Elliott Wave, Neo Wave, and 2-Stage Confirmation. Additionally, the Ichimoku Cloud can provide the exact entry and exit strategy.
Here is the opportunity to Learn ONLINE without the need to travel. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn the best methods in technical analysis and how we forecast each move in Nifty, Bank Nifty, Crude, and stocks, regardless of news or events.
The course is designed to focus on the following aspects of trading:
- How to Trade Profitably using Futures & Options with consistency and clear targets, stop loss, partial profits methods
- A game plan to make money consistently using Advanced Technical Analysis
- Best Trade setups to enter the market using Advanced Elliott wave, Neo wave patterns
- Intraday trade setup with a complete execution plan
- How to make the most of a position by timing the exit
- Applying multiple techniques along with Neo wave for high conviction trade setups
- How to keep the profits intact after a winning streak…
Sutra of Waves (SOW)
Who Should attend?
Anyone who is a graduate, housewife, beginner, trader with years of experience, research analyst, broker, or student looking to make a career in financial markets, or an expert in Elliott Wave, can attend and gain insights into the market seen by the top 10% of traders who are actually making money.
By following simple rules and methods, one can make significant gains in the market if they take a systematic approach to risk and understand the probability of success.
The training is ideal for those who want to analyze and understand equity, commodity, and forex markets in detail. It is suited for traders or investors who want to learn how to build investment portfolios or trade for a living. The course is designed for anyone eager to learn a systematic approach to trading using scientific methods. The only pre-requisite is passion for learning objective method of trading.
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Have Any Questions? Call / WhatsApp on +919920422202

ABOUT ASHISH KYAL, CMT, Mentor, Author :
Ashish Kyal is a (CMT – USA)' Mentor, Trader, Trainer, Author of an International Book. He is the Founder of SEBI registered research firm and learning platform Ashish Kyal Trading Gurukul, which is to share across the scientific approach to trading and investments using Elliott wave, Neo wave, Hurst’s Time cycles, Gann methods.
He is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT – USA) and is a frequent speaker on business channels like CNBC Awaaz, CNBC TV18, BTVi, ET NOW, IIM Trichy, NSE Investor Awareness and Rajya Sabha TV. He is a regular columnist for the Economic Times section of Navbharat Times, a leading newspaper. He has won many Trade shows like Bulls Eye on CNBCTV18, Khiladi No. 1 on CNBC Awaaz, Buy Now Sell Now on ET Now.

All The Tools You Need To Become an Expert Trader!
A Few Words from our Successful Gurukul Participants
Anand Mandala
"Ashish is a Trading Monk, who helps us to prepare for the chaos ahead calmly using incredible techniques of Wave Theory (Neo / Elliott) and Time Cycles. Gurukul brings all his knowledge experience and students (past and future) to help us navigate the turbulent markets calmly and makes trading not be stressfull."
Sanjyoti Hadimani
"I had heard this statement often that “Charts should communicate with the trader” but didn’t know how! It turned out into reality when I applied the tools learned here right from Trend-lines to Time cycles, my trading skills reached another level of perfection altogether. Appreciate your passion for teaching!"
"It was simply amazing to learn from a knowledgeable mentor like Ashish sir, I thank him for sharing his hard earned in-depth knowledge of so many years of experience and wisdom to us. "
Aditya Bagwale
"It's been an amazing experience. Its excellent teaching and I am definitely sure that it will change my profit and loss account drastically in a positive way."