Trading Momentum stocks to generate 8% returns!
Dec 18, 2023
Trading Momentum stocks to generate 8% returns!
By combining Elliott wave method along with patterns and price action it is possible to capture massive moves in stocks.
Check out how we selected Momentum stocks and was able to capture a Short-term move of 4% to 8% within a short span!
CLEAN Hourly Chart (Happened)
CLEAN was about to give a breakout of important resistance. Along with this, Elliott wave counts was also in sync. Once price action confirmed that’s when we shot the calls to our momentum advisory clients.
Along with this, the current rise is in form of wave iii of 3 which is considered as a strongest one. Stock generated 3.5% returns in short span!
Below are the momentum stocks which we picked up in the Month of November 2023.
KOPRAN Hourly Chart (Happened in November 2023)
KOPRAN achieved our target of 280 which is an 8% move from a single day!
KPRMILL Hourly chart (Happened in November 2023)
KPRMILL also showed move of 8% from our buying levels.
Below is the list of past 8 months calls performance for momentum!
In short, even the most basic Elliott wave technique can work its magic when combined with price action! Especially, if you know how to apply it correctly.
Subscribe to momentum advisory calls directly over here and get added to our premium telegram group. Click to subscribe to momentum research.
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